Electrodeless Z-Pinch™

Z-Pinch with More Punch
With over 60 units of its predecessor, the EQ-10, installed globally, the EQS-10 builds on a field-proven platform to deliver up to four times the energy per pulse and an impressive operating frequency of up to 5 kHz. Designed with cutting-edge solid-state switching technology, the EQS-10 ensures unmatched efficiency, making it the go-to solution for demanding EUV applications, including EUV metrology, resist development, and defect inspection.
Trusted Technology with Global Support
Energetiq’s patented Electrodeless Z-Pinch™ technology, now in its next-generation form, continues to set the standard for EUV and soft X-ray light sources. The EQS-10 maintains the low debris, long bore lifetime, and high spatial stability that customers expect, ensuring minimal downtime and maximizing operational efficiency. Supported by Energetiq's global network, the EQS-10 is more than just a product—it's a reliable solution that adapts to the needs of the industry.
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High-frequency operation: Operating frequencies up to 5 kHz, ensuring maximum performance for advanced applications.
Lower cost of ownership: Up to 60% reduction in gas usage and 25% reduction in cost per watt.
Pre-ionization control: Enhances z-pinch efficiency and enables tunability for various gases.
Proven reliability: Over 60 units currently installed worldwide, backed by Energetiq’s comprehensive support network.
EUV Metrology
EUV Resist Development
Defect Inspection
EUV Microscopy
New for the EQS-10
Direct Fueling Technology
Our Direct Fueling system injects Xenon (Xe) directly into the Z-Pinch area, enhancing Xe density, ionization, and distribution for improved performance. This efficient method reduces Xe consumption while minimizing absorption, resulting in a more effective and sustainable use of resources.
- 60% reduction in gas usage by direct fueling
- 25% reduction in cost per watt